Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Oh my... another year slipped by.  Again, I can only apologise.  Lots of issues surfaced in my personal life, to the point that I have moved a fairly substantial distance further North where I could afford to buy a house outright and try for a fresh start.  I still have to find a job, but at least I don't have to worry about rent anymore.

Despite a reasonable amount of work having been done on Chapter 2, it's become clear that I can never hope to complete the series, and so, with deep regret, it looks as if I will have to shelve the work that's been done, particularly as I now only have a clapped out laptop to attempt it on (I'm now the proud owner of a Mac, but alas, NWN on Mac does not include the toolset, otherwise I'd be all over it).  I may revisit for the sake of nostalgia, but don't hold your breath.

Having said that, there's a hell of a lot of content with regard mythology, background, characters, and a whole lot of other things, a lot of which was generated for my tabletop roleplaying circle.  There's enough content for me to seriously consider compiling it all into a book specifically for players of 5th edition AD&D as a complete world ready for adventure.  Whether I'd release it as a PDF or approach a publisher remains to be seen, but rest assured I am giving it serious consideration.

Watch this space for updates, and please drop me a line if this is of interest as a little encouragement would go a long way.

All the best,


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