Sunday, May 29, 2011

The End is Nigh!

...but not in a doom and gloom way. I'm actually quite excited as I've done a lot more work to the module. All conversations and quests are now completed, which feels like I've hit a major milestone.

I've also changed how the module ends. It had been bothering me for quite some time. I wanted it to end on a cliff hanger, but it just felt like it was lacking something how it stood in the Beta despite at least one playtester telling me it was okay. The player ends up leaving a castle via a specific route but I'd failed to explain the reason for the routes existence. I knew it had a valid reason, but to the player I felt like it might appear that I'd just got lazy toward the end of the module. I suppose to a certain degree this was true, for the novel the module is based upon had a set scene which I chose to ignore for I felt it had no purpose and wouldn't add to game play, but oh... how wrong I was! I decided it was worth implementing after all, and while it is true that from the player perspective it just prolongs how long it takes for the module to end for a minute or two, it adds so much tension and drama that I now feel it has a much stronger cliff hanging ending as a result. Not only that, but it has also given me the opportunity to implement some aknowlegdement of the final standing between the PC and henchman.

So what's left to do? I have some more scrolls that need creating and placing in their relevant merchant stores, then it's on to the end movie and... job done! I might consider creating a walkthrough document as there are a few nuggets players might not want to miss, but I'm likely to leave that until the modules release. If anyone could assist in the end movie that would bring the release a lot closer. ;)

Till we meet again.
Quillmaster. :)

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