Sunday, April 18, 2010

Burning the candle at 3 ends!

I know I've been a little slow in updates of late, but that's not to say I haven't been doing anything. On the contrary, I've managed to do quite a bit more on the module, but suddenly seem to have 3 projects on the go, not including of course entertaining my son during the Easter holiday. Comes as quite a shock to the system having got used to him attending nursery in the mornings to suddenly find you have him full time for 2 weeks. Fortunately he's quite a character and well worth the time investment, but it does mean any personal projects of mine tend to get relegated to the evening... a time when my wife likes to compete for my attention lol!

All is well though. I've had another playtester help me pinpoint a problem I knew existed but was unable to resolve. With their help I got to the root of it and have ironed out one of the more persistent bugs thanks to their help. I've also implemented some additional story driven help for a part of the module that some found difficult, and have put some additional life in the town of Oasis.

As well as that, I've also volunteered my artistic skills to another NWN project that plans to re-create the infamous tabletop module "Tomb of Horrors". Knowing from personal experience what an uphill struggle a solo project can be, one can't help feel one has no right to moan about needing more help if not in a position to help others, so when I saw the cry for artists I figured I should put myself forward. I must say the level of professionalism, gratitude, and understanding within the group has made me very happy to have put myself forward. I'm having a lot of fun with a picture of a Hydra I'm working on for the project, plus it gives me the perfect excuse to increase my artistic skills and portfolio. Hopefully they won't object to me posting the Hydra online once it's complete so you can all have a peep, and I'm hoping I'll be able to contribute more than just the Hydra, but that's going to depend on their level of urgency I guess. Watch this space for further news on that project.

As for the 3rd direction I'm being pulled, some close friends were being nostalgic about our tabletop days and suggested we start some fresh sessions. In particular, someone wanted to revisit a character from my old Relbonian campaign that sparked this whole NWN project, so I've been busy prepping character sheets for a new session. It's not quite as easy as it should be as I'm having to cater to a request to use the 2nd Edition Star Wars rules for the game, not that I object mind, as it is a fantastic system that aids storytelling greatly. I already have the story in mind. It should make for a very interesting game that will take the mythology a step further.

Anyways, I'm waffling and have work to do... including a visit to the Mother-in-law!

Cheerio for now and have fun gaming!

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