Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Hack Work Done

Dealing with the town of Oasis is taking longer than anticipated. This is mainly due to the town being a major stop over in terms of being able to re-equip the player, so not only am I having to place merchants along with their conversations, but I'm also having to create the items to stock them with. The going is good however, despite the other minor setback I've been experiencing. It's been a little painful to type for a while, all thanks to the idiot who reversed his car next to mine while I was unclipping my son from his baby seat. I got crushed between my car and the open door behind me, causing my son to burst into tears as I screamed into his face. Unbelievably, the man that crushed me went to drive away, and I had to chase him through the car park to get him to stop so I could take his details. Even more annoying, he didn't give a dam that I'd been crushed and got quite threatening, claiming I'd damaged his car opening my doors. Just talking about it now really riles me, to the point that I could prattle on for ages about it so I'll try to get back onto the suject of Neverwinter quickly. Suffice to say he is now contesting my claim, so we have a long drawn out process ahead of us with the insurance companies (he bent our door that I got crushed behind), and the police won't take any action because of the lack of witnesses. *Sigh*

Anyways, back on track, I was able to do a little more work on the hack that accompanies the module today, and am pleased to announce that as a result, I can now assign spell like properties to items so that they match their Relbonian spell names instead of the default names. I should also be able to create scrolls in the same manner, which has been bugging me for a long while.

I'm seriously considering some early playtesting before the module is finished so I can check how successful the variable reward system for the first major quest has been implemented. For those interested in possible playtesting, here's what you can expect for volunteering for the task:

A complete game experience up to arrival in the town of Oasis with an estimated play time of between 45 to 120 minutes (This is a very rough guesstimate). Although the hak pack requires further work, this will not effect play experience, as the hak affects mainly classes other than the one you will be expected to play (a fighter). As for what would be expected from you, mainly it would be to play in one of two styles (do everything in your power to please/disappoint the main quest giver), and give an estimation of roleplay/combat balance. Anyone interested should give me a yell.

Right, I'm off to tend to my dinner, happy gaming all :)


Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...

Hi Geoff,

That accident sounds terrible! And the bloke that hit you sounds like a complete idiot! Sorry to hear about that. I hope it works out OK for you.

As for your module, if you are able to set aside a couple of hours to either come over (or Jen and I come to you), then you can watch me play-test it with you if you like? Then you can see what the player is actually doing (and thinking).

All the best,

Quillmaster said...

Yep I'll have to sort something out soon, but I might wait until the spell hooking is fully implemented as I've started it now, and until complete it might affect gameplay.

Quillmaster said...

By the way peeps. Lance pointed out that my guesstimate of current play time is well off. He's about halfway through what's been made so far and it's taken him about two hours, and that's without reading all the journal entries/books.