Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cutscene Preview

Many thanks to my friend Borden Ha'Elven who captured this scene for me at my request. What you see here is the major cutscene that will be present in the first of "The Relbonian Chronicles", although the sound and music has been altered from the original for the purpose of this preview.

Other than that, there's not a lot more to report at the moment. Just thought you'd all appreciatte seeing some of the work that's gone into the module to date. Hope to have more to report in the New Year. In the meantime, Merry Christmas all! :)


Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...

Looks like SoZ copied you, doesn't it. ;)

I liked the way you had water inside the boat .... I still don't know how to do that sort of thing yet ... one day.

I hope all is well with family matters.


Quillmaster said...

The water was a CEP placeable.
Best wishes for Christmas! :)