Friday, February 15, 2008

Plodding On

Well...not a lot new to report, although I thought I'd share some good news which should help improve progress. For the past year spare time has been increasingly difficult to come by what with being a full time house husband caring for our son. While rewarding, I tend to be exhausted by the evenings with building being the last thing on my mind. Alas, while the weekends have at first seemed an opportunity to build while my wife took over from child rearing, the reality is the weekends are consumed by family visits and catching up with friends.
The good news is that I now own a laptop, meaning that when I venture to the inlaws, I no longer have to sit and watch something dull on television, but can instead fire up the laptop and get cracking with this module... well... that's the plan anyway ;) I've installed everything I need and all seems to run smoothly, although I will probably leave the more tedious work required for the hak on my main PC. The main reason for this is I'm using Microsoft Office to help keep track of where I am within the hak, and the laptop doesn't have Office installed.
The hak itself is still very much work in progress, but for those of you wondering, I shall I explain why I am going to the trouble of making one. As the module is set within its own world with its own mythology, magic works a little differently. Not only that, but many of the spells have either names or descriptions specifically tailored to the original Neverwinter setting, and I want to pull away from that, so many of the spell names are being replaced with new names specific to the "Relbonian" mythos.
Some of you might think this will make choosing spells a little tedious as players struggle to familiarise themselves with the new spell titles, but I believe it's a good opportunity to expand on the experience of playing in a new world setting, as some of the mythology will present itself to the players in the spell descriptions themselves. This won't matter too much for the first module in which the player assumes the role of a Fighter, but I'm keen to have the hak ready so that when creatures cast spells the player can see the new spell names cropping up. The hak should reveal itself to the full come part two of the saga, which I intend to tailor for a Sorceror to play.
That's all the news for now. Wish me luck at the inlaws ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff,

Good to read a new update. :)

And good to hear you are back working on your spells .... let the slog begin. ;)
