Monday, September 17, 2007

Some Screen Caps

I figured it was about time I showed you all how the game is taking shape by sharing a few screen caps. The game starts in the area shown here, a tavern called "The Frothy Beard"...

This area serves as an introduction to the world and our main character, a Dwarven Warrior who goes by the name of Gerbilaf Bandiwide and works in some nearby mines. At this early stage in the game conversation takes precedance over combat, allowing the player to find out more about the world in which they are interacting with. The game starts at night, so eventually the player will want to leave the tavern and head home, which is when the first cutscene occurs...
The story centres around a meeting with the God of Death. I don't want to give too much away here, so all I'll say is that it becomes apparent that the player has to leave Kerral by way of the docks...

Unfortunately, leaving is not as simple as it seems, as a blockade has been set up through fear of a possible riot on the docks as the populace panic at the prospect of plague within their city...

As the start of the module leans more toward roleplay, I wanted to check that what I've made so far works, otherwise I'd have to consider a different approach before getting into the story properly. The good news is that I have some playtesters to hand who are giving me feedback on this early section, and the early comments have been very encouraging, particularly regarding the second cutscene which I recently finished, which portrays what happens once the player is on board a ship and making the crossing to the mainland. That cutscene has been, and is likely to remain, the most complicated part of the module so far, so I'm quite relieved that it's now behind me.

As I ready myself to move forward, it's looking hopeful that the main intro section and journey to the mainland is now complete. In order to have a break from some of the heavy conversation sessions I've had to endure, I've started implementing some of the other areas needed for later in the story, such as the castle that will feature heavily toward the end...

Well, that's pretty much it for the time being. I could post a lot more pictures, but want to leave some surprises for when it's ready to be played.

Next week I'm off to Cornwall for a holiday. It's a great place for local legends, so who knows, maybe I'll get some further inspiration while there.

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