Thursday, August 08, 2024

My Sci Fi Campaign initially made for Traveller (but generic enough for use in other systems) is now live on DriveThruRPG. If you know me you'll know the pride I take in running such games and the attention to detail that goes into them. Please consider supporting my efforts. You can change currency on the site, which translates to £10.05, of which I receive 70%.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

A dive down the AI generated art rabbit hole...

So... again, I have to apologise for not being as prolific as I'd like, in part this is due to my recent discovery of AI generated art.

It's been on the cusp of my awareness for a while, and while I had dabbled in the past, things have got very sophisticated very fast.

As an artist, I often have people gasp at my talent and proclaim that I should do it for a living, and that got me pondering on the question - is AI a threat to artists?

That all depends on your definition of an artist.  If you consider it to be someone who can render an image, then yes, we are doomed, for AI can churn out anything, much of which could be considered masterpieces.  AI is truly remarkable.  I was blown away by how remarkable it was, while at the same time completely terrifying.  I believe a true artist is someone who can convey an image, and for that you need imagination.  Even AI needs help in this regard, but if you have the imagination to describe what you want, AI can deliver, and there lies the terror.

Think about it. It is within our grasp to describe a scene, and have AI create it.

I need to investigate if and how I can share some of my creations.  In the meantime, would be interested to hear the thoughts of others on this subject.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

What's Coming in the Revised Chapter One?

So, I've been fiddling again.  Since deciding Chapter One was worthy of a re-release, I've been working on a new intro movie to replace the one of old (see older post to view it).  It's come along well, to the point that I have a decent intro movie if I decide to venture onto YouTube, but I needed a break from it so ventured into the toolset to see where tweaks could be made.

One thing that always annoyed me was the scene in a cave where you can stumble across a bound prisoner.  It always bugged me that the sack depicted as containing the victim was far too small to actually contain a body.  Having only recently discovered how easy it is to scale an object this is an aesthetic fix I jumped upon and rectified.  Hoping it will improve the scene now it looks more believable.

I've taken on board comments from the past, one of which concerned item drops which quite frankly surprised me.  Some players felt there wasn't enough with regard loot, so I've been expanding on it slightly.  Another player felt that the Druid was difficult to please, so I've introduced an opportunity that can give previously unavailable slim bonuses (as well as penalties) to your reputation with him, via a conversation that opens up with a shop keeper should you have some unusual armour in your inventory, which, coincidentally, opens an avenue to sell them for a profit, thus opening up possibilities to buy something new in Oasis from the many items I can only presume some missed.

I've also been considering a bonus area, and was surprised to find one unused within the list of areas.  Although not complete, there is room to incorporate it.

As always.  If anyone is still watching, would love to know your thoughts on the matter.



Saturday, February 18, 2023

Plans for the Original Intro Movie

I'm currently experimenting with Apple Keynote to see if I can create a better opening movie since I plan on re-releasing Chapter One.  Below is the original intro.  If I have any success I'll be sure to upload it so stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

A Little Tinker

So, having given the module another play through, I've delved back in and found an error in a conversation branch that prevented the "Little Miss Milly" Quest to complete for me, which was a real shame considering the gift I missed out on, so I dove in and believe this has now been fixed.  There's some fun dynamics in the conversation with Milly which include the Druid Henchman.  I've never noticed before that the editor lists both file word content and module word content.  Chapter One currently stands at 80254 words across all conversations, with the Milly conversation using 935 words, and she is a fairly minor NPC.  The Druid Henchman for comparison has a word count of 9612, which doesn't include interjections he can make in the conversations of others taking place in his presence.

Think I've fixed the merchant issue whose animations seemed out of place if the merchant had moved from his cooking pot.

Does anyone know if intro and end movies are still supported?  If so do they know the format it has to take?  I'd really like to replenish these before posting any update.

Re-Visiting Chapter 1

Nostalgia had me yearning to give Chapter 1 a play through.  At first I couldn't get it to work, and then it occurred to me that I was trying to play with the latest version of NWN (enhanced edition), and that maybe I needed to rebuild the module in the toolset to make it compatible.  While there I thought I'd make a change to something I was aware didn't work, and am pleased to say I resolved the issue.  It involved the telescope on an external balcony of the castle.  It was meant to be useable and fire a conversation, but failed to highlight as an object one could interact with.  It now highlights as intended and fires a conversation between the main character and his henchman.  Although not essential to find, it does offer some opportunities to improve or worsen the relationship, so is a valuable resource for those who stated "I could never get that dam Druid to like me!".  Conversation choices have consequences, and one would be wise to read all options before deciding how to react, and frequently too, as some options only appear as a matter of circumstance.

Gailin (The Druid Henchman) was my first ever attempt at a henchman, and I'm rather proud that I could trigger responses from him.  Conversations are what I have the most fun with, and being able to have him interject with the conversations of others was a joy to work on.  There's a shop in Oasis where the shop keeper acknowledges his presence, opening up new conversation branches in the process.

I had great fun playing through again, sometimes in awe of what I had accomplished, but sometimes frowning at the flaws.

So... I started tinkering, and it got me to thinking I should upload an updated version so the current generation can enjoy it, maybe even expanding on it a little and fixing the end movie which is, I admit, somewhat annoying that the game could end without playing it.

You'll have to excuse me.  I need to go tinker on it some more. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

What a Silly Thing To Do...

Well that was indeed silly... I only went and opened the toolset, and before I knew what was happening, I'd opened a conversation file and started tinkering again.

Does this mean there's hope after all?  Hmmm... to be honest I'd say there's currently about 20% of what I intended for chapter 2, and even if I magically got it to 100%, it would still end on a bit of a cliff hanger much like Chapter 1.  It was always my intent that Chapter 3 would resolve the cliff hanger of Chapter 2 on completion, with Chapter 4 offering a multiplayer game where friends could play as the 3 main characters from the previous chapters.  That, I am painfully aware, is far too ambitious.  Having said that, I found nostalgia had me yearning to do more, or at the very least, complete enough of Chapter 2 that it would provide some nostalgia for those who enjoyed Chapter 1.  It would be a shame to shelve it completely, particularly with the work that has gone into it so far.

Players of the original may recall the effort I went to.  There was a real sense of story with a rich mythology.  Anything that could be clicked on had a unique description and nothing felt out of place.

What exists in Chapter 2 strives to have the same level of detail, and much like Chapter 1, combat is light to begin with.  As Chapter 2 involves playing a Thief, the story starts with a cutscene in which the player is tasked in a threatening manner to steal a sword.  I didn't want this to simply be a case of beating up a shop keeper, so some elaborate planning has been undertaken to ensure it felt like a real accomplishment.  The heist has to be carefully planned with a number of tasks undertaken to warrant success.  It seems a shame to let such planning go to waste, so I'm seriously considering if I can just get the heist section sorted it would be worthy of an upload, even if just so that someone else can use it in a bigger project of their own.  Of course, there's always the danger that I'll end up thinking I may as well do a little more.  We shall see.

So, I expanded on a conversation file.  I always enjoy those.  They can end up quite detailed.  I end up checking lines of dialogue and asking myself if some animation would add to the scene, such as drinking or a simple head scratch.  It's always nice if you can get nearby characters to interject too as it can make a scene feel so much more alive... curses!  I only opened the dam thing because I thought it was worth copying the text from items if I planned on releasing a book about running a roleplaying game in Relbonia, and now I find myself bitten by the bug again!

Ah well.  Have to work tomorrow.  Will see how I feel the day after.

Happy gaming all. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Oh my... another year slipped by.  Again, I can only apologise.  Lots of issues surfaced in my personal life, to the point that I have moved a fairly substantial distance further North where I could afford to buy a house outright and try for a fresh start.  I still have to find a job, but at least I don't have to worry about rent anymore.

Despite a reasonable amount of work having been done on Chapter 2, it's become clear that I can never hope to complete the series, and so, with deep regret, it looks as if I will have to shelve the work that's been done, particularly as I now only have a clapped out laptop to attempt it on (I'm now the proud owner of a Mac, but alas, NWN on Mac does not include the toolset, otherwise I'd be all over it).  I may revisit for the sake of nostalgia, but don't hold your breath.

Having said that, there's a hell of a lot of content with regard mythology, background, characters, and a whole lot of other things, a lot of which was generated for my tabletop roleplaying circle.  There's enough content for me to seriously consider compiling it all into a book specifically for players of 5th edition AD&D as a complete world ready for adventure.  Whether I'd release it as a PDF or approach a publisher remains to be seen, but rest assured I am giving it serious consideration.

Watch this space for updates, and please drop me a line if this is of interest as a little encouragement would go a long way.

All the best,


Friday, January 07, 2022

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I last posted.  Truth be told real life took a bit of a tumble, something which I am still in the process of trying to rectify.

I truly hate that I left this abandoned for so long.  Creating in the toolset was my true passion but I had to divert my attention elsewhere.  Although I still have the tools, I simply can't perceive the project continuing without some external input, and fear that the mods I have used may make collaboration complicated.  I'm all ears though if anyone believes they'd be capable of taking a look.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017